
Can you tell which steak is grassfed?

first image from www.fightfatwithfat.blogspot.com and second from www. starchaser22.blogspot.com

Take a look at the images above -- which looks more appetizing to you? I've asked a number of people which steak they would rather eat, and most choose the second steak. You can tell which piece of meat comes from a grassfed animal by looking at the color of the fat. Any large amount of visible fat is a tip-off, but the most telling sign is that yellow fat means yellow corn -- in other words, grain-finished meat. The steak on the top is conventional industrial meat; the steak on the bottom is 100% grassfed, and it shows. But it's not just the visuals that clue you in -- one bite and you'll know definitively. Grassfed beef tastes like beef, with a deep mineral flavor and a satisfying mouth feel. In contrast, grain-finished beef is soft and almost mushy, with a notable lack of flavor (that's why steak sauce was invented). Do a visual and taste test side by side, using supermarket steak and grassfed, and see, feel, and taste the difference.

Best of all, grassfed beef offers unique health benefits: high levels of CLA's (conjugated linoleic acids), vitamins, and anti-oxidants. Grassfed beef actually LOWERS high cholesterol, and has positive health benefits. (All of the studies linking high cholesterol to red meat consumption were based on industrial meat, not grassfed beef). See eatwild.com for more information on the health benefits of grassfed beef).

We have been eating entirely grassfed beef for the last few years, and our cholesterol has gone down dramatically without drugs or any other additional dietary change.

1 comment:

  1. It would probably be helpful to post images taken under similar conditions. These two images have too many differences (besides the type of meat) to be used for your intended purposes IMHO.
